Europapokal Final Match

Event detail page

We invite you for an exhilarating evening as we gather for the live screening of the Grand finale of the Euro-Cup 2024! GZH is proud to host the final match screening event, celebrating Germany's role as the esteemed host nation of this year's tournament. Whether you're a die-hard football enthusiast or simply enjoy the thrill of a good match, this event promises an unforgettable experience filled with camaraderie and excitement whether Germany qualifies or not!

Bring your friends and family to cheer for your favorite team on our large screens, surrounded by fellow fans in a vibrant and festive atmosphere.

Come early to secure the best seats and enjoy refreshments and beer available on sale throughout the event. Let's come together to celebrate the culmination of this thrilling tournament that takes place every for years.

Event Details
15 Jul, 2024
12:30 AM
Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad