Belong and Beyond at GZH@20

Event detail page

Belong by GZH is a public art project that explores the power of community and storytelling through textiles. Inspired by the long history of community quilts, this initiative invited participants to share their personal narratives and create a collective tapestry of human experiences. Facilitated by Percy Kaki, the project involves workshops where individuals design patches that will be combined to form a large-scale community quilt. Kaki conducted over half a dozen workshops across the city which gave people a chance to come together, share their stories and create a square with their ideas of belonging. This collaborative artwork will serve as a visual representation of the diverse stories and shared connections that unite us as a community. The completed quilt will be on display on the façade of the Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad's building.

The exhibition Not the Only Gay in the City by Carsten Bruhn tell the stories of gay men of different ages and whereabouts, most of them living in Hamburg now. Stories of their coming-out, their self-discovery, stories of fear and courage, of gay shame in a  heteronormative world, of suppression and liberation. Taking part in the project to them is in fact also an expression of their self-portrayal as a gay man, is indeed a visible expression of their pride.

The exhibition and Talk Unequal Heat by Bhumika Saraswati is imagining heat as more than just rising temperatures; but as metaphor for a simmering, potent force. For centuries, women, particularly those marginalized and oppressed, heat is not merely about the weather, but a deep-seated rage, a fury borne from centuries of subjugation. For women, especially 'untouchable' women, heat is a symbol of their resistance, their resilience in the face of systemic oppression. This heat is the blaze of indignation that refuses to be extinguished, even after generations of adversity. In their heat, there's a power—an unyielding force that demands recognition, justice, and equality, all while the planet warms. Their heat is not just a physical sensation but a visceral manifestation of their spirit, their determination to reclaim their rights and rewrite their narrative.

An interactive mural that is a tribute to the courage of women and men who have navigated gender based violence and crimes. 


Event Details
29 Sep, 2024
10:30 AM
Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad